I have a vivid memory of when I was 4 or 5 years old. It is of Christmas morning, waking up around 4 a.m., rushing downstairs to open my presents from Santa, waking up my parents, and then convincing my Dad to immediately play my new Monopoly game.
This past Friday night, I went to bed around midnight. I was uploading the event of Amy and Jonah so I checked to make sure it was still uploading. It was almost completed, so I went to sleep. The next morning, I checked the upload around 8:30a and not only was it complete, but 4 people had already viewed their event. Later that morning on my way to Saturday's wedding, I ran my car through the car wash and received a fabulous e-mail from Amy that they had already seen all 1500 images! It hit me that the excitment of receiving your finished wedding images, is a lot like Christmas.
Here are a few images from the wedding of Amy and Jonah- two of the most amazing people.
Ho Ho Ho, and Merry Viewing!