I love my cousin Gary. He is an internist who became a doctor for all of the right reasons. Incidently, he is just the male version of myself (kind-of scarry-for him) especially when it comes to our love of both art and photography. Of course, Gary come by it naturally since his Dad, my wonderful Uncle Carl, was head of the art department at Eastern Illinois University. My Uncle Carl was such a character- his wardrobe always included a colorful ascot and he loved to sing folk songs-
Anyway, because of my respect and admiration of my cousin Gary, I always have a soft spot for the young doctors whose weddings I shoot. With this in mind, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Teresa Lin-Seto, who officially became an MD today and whose wedding I shot a few short weeks ago. Here are a few pics from her fabulous wedding to another great Gary, Gary Seto . Congratulations to the both of you- we are so proud to have been a part of your wedding.