Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fun, Festivities, and Tequila!

Now that we have thankfully said goodbye to the summer ailments of both me and my family, it's time to get back to the business of showing the images of my beautiful brides! Thank you to all who expressed their well wishes. Both my Mom and I are well on the way to recovery-
Despite my recent battle with pneumonia, I have not missed a beat with shooting weddings this season, I am only behind in posting!
What a fun time we had with Stephanie and Chris on their June wedding day! I bet Chris is always the life of the party and his wedding day was no exception. One of the day's highlights was a stop at a local Mexican restaurant- where shots of tequila were had by all. (Except for us, of course. That would be very bad.) Also, while shooting at one of our locations, we ran into Cleveland mayor Frank Jackson, who was more than happy to pose for photos with the entire wedding party.
Here are a few of my favorite images from the day- Salute!