Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's A Hemi Weekend

Not long ago, I got a new Jeep. Actually, it's just like the old one, same make and model, except newer and a different color. Well, there is one big difference; and that is that it contains a "hemi" engine. I'm not quite sure what a hemi is, all I know is that it's supposed to be "super-charged".
Much like the hemi engine, this weekend will be "super-charged" since I am shooting a double-header, both Friday and Saturday weddings. Friday night, I will be shooting at the amazing Lantern Court for the wedding of Meridith and Andrew and Saturday, I will return to Mentor for the union of Gina and Anthony.
I had the pleasure of shooting an engagement session for Anthony and Gina last November and here are a couple of pics. Congratulations to both couples- here's to a "Hemi- Weekend!"