This evening, I have two things planned. One is to attend a consultation and the second item on my agenda is to pick up sushi for dinner. I could stop at the grocery store for a pre-packaged sushi tray, but I have decided to go all out and to order from one of our premiere Cleveland east side restaurants.
The last time I had great sushi was late last fall at the rehearsal dinner of Paige and Ben. Their rehearsal dinner was held at the Brothers Lounge in Lakewood Ohio and not only did we have a fantastic time shooting the event with some fantastic people, but the food was fantastic as well- great sushi.
The highlight of the evening was when Ben, reunited with his band for the evening, played a wonderful set of music.
Here are a couple of images from that evening; one of the Brothers Lounge, one of Ben on stage, and one of Ben reaching down from the stage to kiss his bride-to-be.
Seeing these images again is making me hungry so I had better run now- sushi calls!