Today, as we welcome a new President, most people have new beginnings on their mind. A wedding is the ultimate in new beginnings since it's very essence signifies the start of a new life as two become one. In 2007, Wes and I shot the wedding of Tracey and Scott; and in their life as a married couple, two just became three! Yes, Tracey and Scott are pregnant and are expecting a baby girl!
Both Tracey and Scott are veterinarians, which endeared them to me from the start. (Wes and I have 3 pets; Leo, our King of the Castle French Bull Dog, Lilly, our Princess Diva Lhasa, and Coco, our Panther Man-Cat) Not only has Tracey devoted her career to the well-being and care of animals, but she also found time to walk in the Susan G. Komen for the Cure 3-Day this summer. She truly is an extrodinary person.
Here are a couple of images to enjoy from their wedding. Wes and I wish Tracey and Scott all the best with their new beginning.